Help Us Defeat Prop 102 - Again!
Monday, September 22nd, 2008Tell Phoenix Politicians to Trust the People
As you know, voters defeated this amendment two years ago. So, why won’t Phoenix politicians listen to us? Do they think we are dumb? In 2006, we voted NO, and now they are back at it again, putting divisive issues on the ballot. We need to stop spending time debating the definition of marriage.
In fact, why aren’t we dealing with more important issues? We would rather focus on issues like health care, immigration, energy policy, and the economy. Arizona has a budget deficit. But what do politicians spend their time debating? Marriage, even though it is already defined as between a man and a woman.
Proponents for this amendment have raised more than $3 million to overturn the will of the voters. With only 45 days left before the election, now is the crucial moment to work together and defeat their efforts again. Please take a few minutes to give a donation online today.
The stakes are high. Please give generously today.